- The MU No More 1 in 3 campaign highlights the fact that 1 in 3 women around the world will suffer from some form of violence throughout their lifetime. Mothers’ Union are raising awareness of and calling for an end to gender-based violence and abuse in all it’s forms.
- Here at St. Catherines Church, Burbage we inviting to you join in the Global Day and 16 Days of Activism when you can. Please do not feel under pressure to complete all 16 days’ tasks. Feel free to dip in when you can.
- Listed down below are the first 8 days actvities, along with list of songs on Youtube to help you connect with day.
16 Days 1-8 of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
Day 1 of 16 Monday 25th November -A Prayer of Transformation
Day 2 of 16 Tuesday 26th November – Make a White and Purple Ribbon
Day 3 of 16 Wednesday 27th November – Visit the Women’s Aid Website and pray for Women’s Aid Leicester
Day 4 of 16 Thursday 28th November – Display a RISE UP poster in your church
Day 5 of 16 Friday 29th November – Knit two white hearts and one purple heart
Day 6 of 16 Satrurday 30th November – GLOBAL DAY Hold a 1-minute silence
Day 7 of 16 Sunday 1st December – Share the song “I am not Nothing” in your church service
Please click on here to find out more
If you find the song disturbing please call the Helpline run by the organisation, FREEVA 0808 802 0028 or text to FREEVA on 07715 994 962
Day 8 of 16 Monday 2nd December – Make in moving in/on package
16 Days 9 – 16 of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
Day 9 of 16 Tuesday 3rd December – Pray for the RISE UP campaign
Day 10 of 16 Wednesday 4th December – Know the signs of Domestic Abuse
Day 11 of 16 Thursday 5th December – Pray Saffires
Day 12 of 16 Friday 6th December – Visit the Restored website
Day 13 of 16 Saturday 7th December – Pray for Anti-FGM project in Tanzania
Day 14 of 16 Sunday 8th December – Intercession at your church
Day 15 of 16 Monday 9th December – Read Sarah’s Prayer at home
Day 16 of 16 Tuesday 10th December – Read the poem by Michael Kauffman
The Lord is my shepherd
To Mother you Sinead O'Connor
The Lord Bless you and Keep you
Let it be Anita Franklin
You'll never walk alone

Souls of our Shoes quotes
Domestic abuse goes on behind too many closed doors -1 in 4 women. I in 6 men. Every 7 minutes the police receive phone calls about abuse and violence – God walked beside me when I chose to leave. Please use the links above to find help – YOU ARE NOT ALONE