We are a group of pilgrims on a journey
Our faith is much more than believing. We have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ where we seek to deepen that relationship and live the way Jesus taught us. The Parish of Burbage and Aston Flamville are a modern Anglican community, with a missional heart for our villages, embracing a ‘Rhythm of Life’ as part of our worship and thanksgiving to God, our creator and Redeemer.
We work hard in our community to ensure our worship, care, and activities are accessible to all in a variety of ways. Since March 2020, we’ve learnt a lot and increased the methods and channels in which we reach our community. This has been possible through the giving of time and skills from the ministry team, volunteers, and community members.
If you are enjoying our services and music, and can support the parish in its ministry and mission, please do consider donating via:
Prayer is an important part of our day – prayer requests can be emailed to 1andrewdavidhall@gmail.com or via the Contact Us page