Spire Timeline

The Spire on top of St. Catherine’s Church, Burbage in Leicestershire is sinking in to the ground. The steel girders placed beneath tons of brickwork are rusting and weakening and the brickwork holding the girders up is beginning to crack. If nothing is done to support these, the spire will fall in on iitself. So this film has been made to raise awareness and to help encourage everyone to support the amazing parish church by way of donating as much as possible. Link below for our giveallite donation page or use the QR code below the video.

First Scroll to the bottom to study The History of Spire from 1842

A large a thank you must go to Sylvia Whitworth, a member of the Burbage Heritage Group, for her assistance in gathering together all the information, without which the timeline could not have been created.

Please scan or click on the image below to go to our givealittle page for the Spire Appeal 2024