Minster Communities

Your Chance to get involved

Church Storyboards – Getting to know each other

If you wish to fill in our own individual from please use the link to print one out: Storyboard minister

Please return your completed form either by handing to a server at the services on Sunday 26th January or to
Father Andrew Hall
The Vicarage
New Road
LE10 2AW

Forms must be completed by 26th January to give us time to sort and return to the Diocese by 31st January.

Together collectively for Mission

Minster Communities are groups of churches and fresh expressions working collaboratively and sharing resources to enable effective mission. Out of a process of discernment, reflection and conversation, about twenty Minster Communities will be formed by 2026. In January and going forward we will be beginning conversations about the Minster Community process.

A Minster Community is defined as  “A designated group of parishes, fresh expressions of church and schools brought together collectively for mission.”

To find out more please visit: Leicester Diocese – Minster Communities

More information on the Minister process please read : One page summary

For fuller details : Full paper including background and context