
Welcome to St Catherine's.

We are a group of pilgrims on a journey and also a local community charity.

Services at St Catherine's, Burbage

Each Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion, 10.30am Holy Communion, 6.00pm Evensong

Holy Communion each Wednesday at 10.00am.

Services at St Peter's, Aston Flamville

1st Sunday of each month: 9.30am Holy Communion, 3rd Sunday of each month: 10.30am Family Worship

Our Services are LiveStreamed.

Our 10.30am and 6.00pm Sunday services from St Catherine's are livestreamed to our YouTube channel - @theparishofburbagewithastonflamville

As a charity, we are grateful for all donations financial or otherwise. If you are able to support the parish and it's work in the community please do consider donating via the link below or via BACS, or contact us other for other ways you can help.

Please continue reading to find out why donations are so important to us...

Part of our Christian journey is to work hard in our community to ensure our worship, care, and activities are accessible to all in a variety of ways - adapting as needed to the circumstances. This has been possible through the giving of time and skills from the ministry team, volunteers, and community members - however we also rely heavily on the kindness and financial generosity of donations.

Thank you for reading, and for all your support and engagement with the Parish. Bank Account Transfers A/C No. 20174748 Sort Code 60-11-06

To Find Out More

Why Not Come Along?
Our churches are the place to worship in Burbage and Aston Flamville.

Everyone is welcome to the many events the church holds.

Get Involved
We would love you to get involved within the wide range of small groups, children's groups, and community groups that take place on Sundays and during the week.

Please see our Facebook Page and Facebook Group for regular updates.


The Village That We Love
We are involved with and work alongside many different groups of people, showing God's love for this village and the people who live within it.

If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Mary Tynan at safeguarding@parishofburbageandastonflamville.co.uk, or the parish priest. If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here https://www.leicester.anglican.org/about/safeguarding/


St Catherine's & St Peter's would love to hear from you. Please contact us with your enquiry.

We welcome any contact with the team, and will respond as quickly as we are able to.

St Catherine's Church

Hinckley Road



Email: contactus@parishofburbageandastonflamville.co.uk

Facebook Page:


Facebook Group:




Twitter: @StCatherinesB

You can donate by clicking the link below or by scanning the QR code below